Monday, August 29, 2011

Katrina: 6 years and still struggling

Hey Family,

It's been a while since we've last talked. I've been busy getting this law school stuff down, trying to think like an attorney, and avoid acting like a criminal. I had to take time however from my busy schedule and discuss what has happened six years ago. Six years ago, on August 30th will actually mark when the flooding of New Orleans began. I say intentionally August 30th, not the 29th. (We can talk about conspiracies at a later date) Even though Hurricane Katina actually struck Mississippi more than New Orleans, we are still suffering and struggling to make it.

I was passing through New Orleans recently on my way to see an ill relative. While in Ponchartrain Park, I couldn't help but to feel this naustious feeling, not just from the potholes in the road, but the lack of progress being made on a city, state, and God know's federal standpoint. To still see the blighted houses, the lack of two hospitals in New Orleans East, no shopping mall and the lack of police protection just shows how long  we've come, because we haven't even moved. God bless the people of New Orleans and also to Mr. Mario Richard. I love you

Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm with Spike

Hey family. It's been a long time since I last typed with y'all. I've been really busy taking care of some things in my time away from saving SUNO, of which they'll be voting on tomorrow. While I was off, I've been hearing about beef. Not Grade A, but beef between to black directors. Spike Lee and Tyler Perry have been feuding over the quality of movie making between the two. Spike thinks Tyler's movies are buffonish, while Tyler says Spike shouldn't get to heaven. (Not in those exact words, but same meaning.) Now, I'm an artist myself, and I believe artists should be able to be creative and do all things. But after spending my last $7.50 on Madea's Big Happy Family, I will say, I'm with Spike.

Now, I've got nothing against Tyler Perry. He's given opportunities to other black actors, whether rookie or veteran, and they've gotten exposure. In an industry that largely ignores black actors, Tyler has adopted them.  Not to forget, he's also given opportunites to writers, directors, waterboys, flower girls, the whole nine, the opportunity to work. But with that being said, I can't really say that I quantity of work outshines the quality of it. Tyler Perry's movies, to me aren't really realistic when it deals with relationships with black men and women.

For example, in Why Did I Get Married?, Parts 1&2, Michael Jai White is married to Tasha Smith, who's loud, abrassive, abusive and annoying. So annoying, that even her friends are embarrased to be around her at times. What black man, with a great job, benefits, good-looking, (Not gay, but you get the point) will put up with being married to a woman like that? The sex has got to be that good.

In a recent interview with Russ Parr, veteran actor Clifton Powell blasted Spike Lee for his treatment of black actors and how he handled money with the cast and crew on his movies. He also talked about how he doesn't like Spike and how he would "kick his ass" if he had a problem with that. Now, I don't know anything on their relationship or what Spike may or may not have done, but I can tell you this: Nearly all of Spike's movies I can say are classics. From Do the Right Thing to School Daze to Malcolm X, and even the ones that weren't really financially successful like She Hate Me (Oh, the Sex scenes. Anthony Mackie, you the man.).

So, with all that being said, I really like both of these brothers. I do hope they have success with their movies and work. And I'm saying that in part cause my butt is looking for a job! I hope that Tyler can grow to make more movies than just a 6'3" grandmother in drag. Daddy's Little Girl's was a great movie  that was closer to dealing with black men and fatherhood. Perhaps if he can get more balance, then I may see things differently. Til then, Spike: Where's She Hate Me 2: The Return?


Saturday, April 23, 2011


Calling all my family. Come out with me Tuesday at 10:00 a.m to support our legacy S.O.S. Support SUNO!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011


<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This is another video that I have to support SUNO as well as UNO. We say no to a merger, Bobby Jindal. And I lay out some counter points to those that say close it.

Monday, March 14, 2011


The Battle to Save SUNO

Alright fam,

Yesterday, I went to Living Faith Christian Center to rally with Southern University students of all black people. ? I know that throws you off a little, but seriously, SU Alumni from Southern University of New Orleans, Southern University in Baton Rouge and Shreveport gathered in unity to save the SUNO system. Rev. Jesse Jackson was in attendance to speak against the merger and in support of the Southern University system.

It has come to my attention that the Board of Regents have announced today their recommendation that there should be a merger of SUNO and UNO or a new College system.(Source: HBCU Digest)That is why I am urging all students to phone call the governor's office at 1-866-366-1121. Just tell em "I'm an SU Alumnus/Student or SUNO supporter and I am letting the governor know my disapproval of his position to merge SUNO and UNO. Thank You." We don't have to give your name if you don't want to. I know nobody don't want to receive a letter from the office or have the cops follow you, though that time may have passed. But let your voice be heard family.

One love

Thursday, March 10, 2011

(Picture from the NY Daily Post, through Google)

I just stol..I mean bought the latest copy of Ebony Magazine. In honor of April Fool's month, Ebony placed Steve Harvey, Monique and Chris Rock on the cover and interviewed each. While it was not surprising that these three greats were on the cover, it was surprising that one man's name was not mentioned at all. I read the book from cover to cover. Ok, I skimmed through the whole thing but I got the most important parts.

Ebony, through the survey conducted by the public, (I didn't know about it) picked the top twenty black stand-ups that ever lived. And I must admit, I was happy to see the younger comedians that were on there, from Eddie Murphy Chris Tucker, Martin Lawrence, Sinbad, Chris Rock and others. Redd Foxx, whose comedic genius has not really been talked about like Rock or Murphy, was mentioned.

But what disappointed me the most was there was not one mention of the man Dick Gregory. Dick Gregory, who hails from St. Louis, MI, like Redd Foxx and Cedric the Entertainer, was/is a true pioneer of black comedy and stand up for the past 50 years. Mr. Gregory spent his early years performing in front of all-white audiences and gave his thoughts on racism, politics and poverty in ways that made people laugh, but also changed the way they thought of Black Americans.

Dick Gregory was the first Black American to be on the Tonight Show with Jack Parr. At that time blacks were not allowed to even sit on the show! When he was invited to perform, he declined due to that very stigma, until Jack Paar called him and told him to please come and sit. It was the first that White Americans saw a black man on televison in a natural, one-on-one human conversation.

When his comedy career was taking off, so was the Civil Rights movement. At his zenith, he sacrificed his career for the rights of blacks and the poor, rather than the glamor and flashing lights on the red carpet.

"I am really enjoying the new Martin Luther King Jr stamp – just think about all those white bigots, licking the backside of a black man."

"Political promises are much like marriage vows. They are made at the beginning of the relationship between candidate and voter, but are quickly forgotten."

These are just a few of the thousands of jokes over a career spanning since the late 1950s.
Once a year, the Mark Twain Prize Award for Humor is awarded Since 1998, when Richard Pryor received it, the award highlights those that have made millions laugh using great wit and humor, and also the ability to highlight social issue, as what Mark Twain did.

Dick Gregory is so deserving of this award. He should also be on the list of one of the greatest standup comedians to ever pick up a mic. Being a friend of his, a fellow comedian, and having met Mr. Gregory back in 2009 with my father, even at the age of 79, Mr. Gregory never looked sharper. So, I do hope that he's considered for the Mark Twain award. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got to finish this magazine before I return it to the Doctor's office.

Peace Fam.

Friday, February 25, 2011

THE RICH SPOT: Defending SUNO: Preventing the Merger of SUNO & UN...

THE RICH SPOT: Defending SUNO: Preventing the Merger of SUNO & UN...: "Defending SUNO: Preventing the Merger of SUNO & UNO. Here's a little quick video I made on the issue. Many in the African-American commu..."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Defending SUNO: Preventing the Merger of SUNO & UNO.

Here's a little quick video I made on the issue. Many in the African-American community in Louisiana are opposed to this merger.

Monday, February 7, 2011

(Image from "The Simpsons")

Why the white man who invented DNA testing could be honored as a part of Black History

I couldn't help but to read this story that came out last week. It's the story of a man named Barney, (not the James nor the Jim) Brown. Mr. Brown was recently freed from prison in 2009 from a rape charge in 1970. He spent 38 years of his life in prison at the age of 14. He has since spent his time trying to teach children to be the best they can be. Now, Mr. Brown is not a DNA exonoree, but it came to my attention since recently alot of men, predominately African-American, have been freed as a result of DNA testing.

So I have begun to wonder: Should the white man that invented DNA testing be honored during Black History Month? I've been wondering about this cause after all, DNA testing has freed more men of color then the Emancipation Proclamation. It's true actually because the Proclamation only freed slaves in Confederate States. But if you're secceding from the country, would you actually listen to the president?

But none the less, Barney Brown's story, like that of Joseph Abbitt, Clarence Bradley and so many others shows how unjust the Judicial System can be. It's greatful that we live in a new technological age, where things can be much more clearer from previous times. So as we commerate the achievements of so many African-American men and women, I do wonder, should we also think the white man who came up with DNA testing? Who knows? We've invented so many stuff and don't get credit, it could've been a black man that came up with it. But secrets tend to be buried, until further testing

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hey Fam, This is another throwback of me at B&T's in Baton Rouge. I have many more performances to come, provided I get gas money!
Hey Fam, This is another throwback of me at B&T's in Baton Rouge. I have many more performances to come, provided I get gas money!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Should Black Americans celebrate Black History Month?

First off, it's amazing to note how fast the year is already going. It's going quicker than how many people change drawers (Don't know about all of you). We just finished with the month of January, and now we're in February. This month marks the celebration of Black History Month. Morgan Freeman, best know for helping Batman defeat the Joker, stated in a 60 minutes interview a few years back that, Black History Month was "ridiculous". He insisted that Black History ought to be celebrated all year round. Now, it's no secret we have the shortest month of the year to celebrate.

Black History Month actually started out as Negro History Week, from Dr. Carter G. Woodson. Dr. Woodson is famous for writing the book The Mis-Education of the Negro and created The Journal of African American History.
All of the achievements that Dr. Woodson made were during the darkest moments in American History. A time when black men/women were hanging from trees like fruit, and weren't even allowed in a restaurant to buy a cup of coffee. And while we live in the 21st century, there are those that contend that Black History Month is no longer relevant cause "we have overcome". Really, Negro? Really?

Well, I do agree with Mr. Fox...I mean Mr. Freeman on Black History being celebrated all year. The contributions of a people should not be delegated just to one month. Besides McDonald's tells us they celebrate Black 365. Our history books should incorporate the Black struggle and the tasks and challenges that we had to face. The capital of the United States, which is now occupied by an African-American president, was designed and built by Benjammin Banneker.

With that being said, if we say this about Black History Month, should we say the same thing to other groups of people that celebrate their history in a month, such as Hispanic Heritage Month, starting Sept. 15 to Oct.15 ? Or what about Filipino American History Month in October, Women's History Month and White History Month (Which I don't plan to commerate. I think we know how this History started.). So, in the end, I do feel we need moments in our lives to celebrate heritages and traditions, whether they are commerated for one month or for one year. The question of Black History Month's importance has served as a great challenge for some, and it looks like it will continue to be that way.

Peace Fam

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Akron Ohio Mother: A Mother's love sends her to jail

Hey gang, I'm back and welcome once again to THE RICH SPOT. I wanted to talk about this woman who has been sent to jail for using her father's address to send her kids to a better school. Kelley Williams-Bolar, (Pictured below), was convicted of faking her address to get her children into a better school. She's serving a ten day sentance after refusing to pay $31,000. School mum

Now, let me start off by saying this is ridiculous. For years people...wait let me rephrase that, white people because blacks were not allowed into public school systems due to Jim Crow laws, have been using the education system to their advantage. By the rights of the Constitution, we are allowed to have Freedom of Education. But as history will show, African Americans were not allowed to learn, read, nor write. While this may not be a distinct use of racism, this incident certainly has racist overtones.

Second, this mother is not the first nor last person to do this. Many parents have done something similar to this in order to give their children a better education. It's nothing new, so why is it such a big deal when Ms. Bolar does it? There have been high school athletes that have dual residency; yet, their parents will not get sent off to jail. At most, they'll be disqualified.

In this point, Freedom of Education, as I briefly refrenced, is not an American, Canadian, European or any ian right. It is a human right, as that has been stated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948: Article 26 which states: "Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children." So all in all, Ms. Bolar was using her human rights to give them a better education, from there a better life.

To send this woman to jail, makes about much sense as seeing Steven Segal with an Oscar. There is no reason that this lady should have to go to jail for wanting her kids to have decency. However, I may be wrong, as Ms. Bolar states herself: " I did this for them". Yes she did, for what greater love is in the world than a parent's love for their child? A Mother's Love sent her to jail.

Peace Fam.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Welcome to The Rich Spot

Hello, to all my guests and welcome to The Rich Spot! This is my new blog and it's going ham on wheat with mayo. I'm going to be talking about everything from race, politics, sex, comedy, your mama, just about everything. Be on the look out cause I may post some videos. Holla atcha boy!
