Whazzup everyone? It's been a while. I'm in the process of finishing law school and other things, which is why I have been busy. There has been a lot going on in this country since the last time I posted anything. Today, I wanted to talk about the March on Washington 50th Anniversary today. I participated in a March here at Southern University this afternoon. First thing I have to say about it: Heat. The second thing I would have to say is that we had a great turnout of students, faculty and staff that wanted to honor and commemorate the historic day.
However, I'm reminded by what Brother Malcolm X once said after the March on Washington. He stated that fifty years later, black people would still be marching. Sure enough, Bro. Malcolm was a prophet. Now, I am not in any way trying to disrespect and defame the honor of those who marched in the Civil Rights Movement. I myself have participated in rally and marches to get African-Americans out to vote, fight for their right to return to the City of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and the death of a black teenager who was strangled to death in New Orleans several years ago.
In many circumstances, yes marching is good. But at some point, one has to say enough is enough. We have been marching for years, and most of the time there is only attention, but never any results. Why is that? Could it be that black leadership has been absent? That some leaders are rather interested in fame and fortune than dealing with the real issue at hand? That we would rather choose to be invited at the White House for dinner than making a significant change to help our children?
If anything Trayvon Martin's death has shown, we have a far way from reaching the dream. When the verdict was read, I was thrust back to my history books from the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford. From that case, the Supreme Court declared that blacks were not humans and not fit to stand even before the court. No my friends, that dream will not come until everyone has an open and honest discussion about racism, white supremacy, and "Uncle Tomism."
Finally, it's hell of ironic that President Obama gave the Keynote address at the March on Washington today when the United States is on the verge of war with Syria. Something an anti-war advocate like Dr. King would more than likely not approve of. The great historian, John Henrick Clarke, once said he felt that marching was a waste of shoe leather. I don't know if I put my weight all towards that point, but I can tell you the other side is getting lighter. These are my thoughts and opinions. I stick to them.
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